CUFI High School
Washington Summit Application
June 28-July 2, 2025
*Please do not leave this page idle as it will time out and you will have to start over.*

Welcome to the application for High School Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to attend CUFI's annual Summit!  Join thousands in our nation's Capital to advocate for Israel and the Jewish people. Learn about Israel's biblical significance and our role as Christians in its defense. Connect with high school students nationwide, build relationships, and engage in learning, prayer, and worship. 

For a registration fee of $50, the Student Scholarship includes:
Transportation costs up to $500
Shared hotel room during the conference
Most meals
Admittance to CUFI's Summit plus additional high school-focused sessions


Be enrolled full-time in a U.S. high school or home school for the next full academic year. 

If you meet these qualifications complete the application below.

General Information
High School Information
Emergency Contact Information
A Character Reference
Essay Portion